2 Hungry, Hungry Hoodoo Page 20
“Selene,” he said weakly. He took my hand and squeezed. “I love you.”
“I’m sorry,” I whispered as walls fell. I pulled the knife out of his chest and pressed my hand over the wound. Blood pumped between my fingers. I pushed at the flow with my mind. It had to work. It had to. I would never survive without him.
It was all over. I couldn’t believe I was still walking around, breathing, eating, living after everything I’d been through. I had nightmares that wouldn’t stop. Taking Jaron’s life wasn’t something I would get over quickly or ever. I could justify my actions, yes—but logic didn’t change my feelings about what I’d done. Worse than the images of Jaron, however, were those of Cheney—pale, beloved Cheney, bleeding out. . . . A pair of shoes entered my line of sight, making me look up. “Thank you for coming,” I said, swiping at my tears and hugging Sy tight.
“I wouldn’t miss it,” he said. “Why are you crying? What did I tell you about elves and crying.”
I gave a helpless gesture and laughed. “I don’t know. I’ve been so emotional lately. Being human made me soft.” I gave his cheek a peck.
I heard the door click behind me and a hand touched my lower back. “It’s been an emotional couple weeks.” Cheney kissed my temple. I still couldn’t believe I’d been able to heal him. My energy had been zapped for days afterward, but it was worth it. We were together and stronger than ever.
“The two of you look happy,” Sy said, his eyes sparkling.
“We are,” I said.
“With Sy’s arrival, the entire council is here now.” Cheney smiled. “Are you ready, princess?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” The three of us were about to walk into the first official meeting when Baker came up.
“It’s time, Selene,” he said.
Cheney tightened his hand around mine. “Time for what?”
“To pay the spirits for their gifts. Toinette is requesting an audience.” Baker’s face was serious—and for once, there wasn’t a trace of humor or joking in his voice.
I shivered. “But the meeting is about to start. Can it wait?”
He shook his head. “They choose the time. Making them wait could be bad.”
I straightened my shoulders and kissed Cheney. “I’m sorry I have to miss out. I’ll be home soon, and I want to hear all about it.”
He set his jaw but nodded. I had to go. A deal was a deal. I wasn’t scared. No matter what the spirits asked for, no matter what challenge they laid before me, I would make it through. I had my memory. I had my friends. I had my family. But most importantly, I had Cheney.
As always, I have to start with thanking my family and especially my mom for pushing me toward writing and publishing.
Producing a book takes a village. I am extremely lucky to work with such an amazing group of people. Without all of these people I don’t know where I would be.
Ev Bishop — editing
Michelle Kampmeier — proofreading
Julie Titus — formatting
Once Upon A Time Covers — cover art
Promotional Book Tours and Mandie Stevens —promotions
And the best beta readers, friends, and writers in the world: Amanda Long, Tawdra Kandle, Olivia Hardin, C.G. Powell, Mandie Stevens, and Melissa Lummis.
Finally, my thanks have to go to the best and most amazing fans in the world. You guys keep me going and make me look forward to each and every day.
Many authors claim to have known their calling from a young age. Liz Schulte, however, didn't always want to be an author. In fact, she had no clue. Liz wanted to be a veterinarian, then she wanted to be a lawyer, then she wanted to be a criminal profiler. In a valiant effort to keep from becoming Walter Mitty, Liz put pen to paper and began writing her first novel. It was at that moment she realized this is what she was meant to do. As a scribe she could be all of those things and so much more.
When Liz isn’t writing or on social networks she is inflicting movie quotes and trivia on people, reading, traveling, and hanging out with friends and family. Liz is a Midwest girl through and through, though she would be perfectly happy never having to shovel her driveway again. She has a love for all things spooky, supernatural, and snarky. Her favorite authors range from Edgar Allen Poe to Joseph Heller to Jane Austen to Jim Butcher and everything in between.
Books by Liz Schulte:
Secrets (The Guardian Trilogy Book 1)
Choices (The Guardian Trilogy Book 2)
Consequences (The Guardian Trilogy Book 3)
Dark Corners (Ella Reynolds Series Book 1)
Dark Passing (Ella Reynolds Series Book 2)
Easy Bake Coven (Easy Bake Coven Series Book 1)
Cupid Painted Blind
Once Upon a Midnight Dreary
Upcoming Releases
Pickup Styx (Easy Bake Coven Series Book 3) – Coming 2013
The Ninth Floor – Coming 2013
Ember (The Jinn Trilogy) — Coming 2013
Inferno (The Jinn Trilogy) — Coming) 2014
Vestige (The Jinn Trilogy) — Coming 2014
Dead Inside – Coming 2014
Frost’s Kiss – Coming 2014
Learn more about Liz and her books at www.lizschulte.com, like her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/AuthorLizSchulte, or follow her on Twitter at http://twitter.com/#!/LizSchulte
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
About the Author